It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

Site Updates!

7/15/24:Converted my grid-type collection page format to flex! The G1 section was for sure the biggest lift there. Next main project: image descriptions!

7/13/24: Overhauled my navigation bar. Thanks Pixel Sea for the fun heart letters :)

Additionally, I'm currently working on the accessibility of my website, so you may notice changes related to that (e.g., I added unique Title elements for the pages and will be changing the format of my Links page soon). Thanks to the "Lets Make a Fansite" book by MarineHaddock on for providing a starting point, and thanks to the A11y project for their website accessibility checklist.

7/6/24: Realized that 123guestbook has died, and replaced it with this new free ad-less guestbook service atabook. I even added a few fun casual questions for visitors to answer. Much thanks to for their amazing work! I've posted the message I had on there so it wasn't lost.

I also added a section on the homepage for art that others have done of my ponysona! :D

7/5/24: Lots of additions to the G1 and G3 pages! I also edited all of the gens' pages so that text was more legible. I cleaned up some of my formatting for this via CSS to make things nicer on the backend... But could it be considered 'good' HTML? No, lol :D I also added some sites to the link section - go check them out!

3/13/24: I added another bio! I really want to get that part of the page populated. *ignores the nonexistent Beauty Salon page and the missing G5 page*

1/24/24: Drumroll please - the G4 page is now live! And pretty much up to date :) I also fixed some broken internal links and such.

11/16/23: Added a good amount of photos to the Retro section in G1! (via collections tab)

11/15/23: The Ponyland page now has one (1) bio linked to it! I was trying to code modals for this but that fucked me up so bad for some reason that I took a break from the site lol, but now that I'm NOT doing modals, expect some more stuff in the near(er) future!

8/26/23: Added a G3 page! It can be accessed via the Collection tab.

8/6/23: I made new art for the homepage banner! The image is transparent, the pixel sky used as the backdrop is linked in the homepage footer.

8/4/23: Added an About Me page! You can access it from the sidebar on the left.

8/2/23: Added my G2 collection! I also started work on the Ponyland page, but it's still very much a WIP.

7/30/23: Added petite ponies to G1 Year 8, Stardazzle to G1 Year 9, and an Italian Snuzzle to G1 NonU.S.!