Year 1 (1982)
Original 6



Cotton Candy
Year 2 (1983)
Earth Ponies


Concave-foot Bluebelle

Concave-foot Bluebelle on the right and Flat-foot Bluebelle on the left!

Snuzzle - this is my first favorite G1! She got me collecting ♥




Rainbow Ponies

Parasol - she was never on my wishlist but I got super lucky and thrifted her, and I think she looks so sweet! ♥


Playset Ponies


Majesty - sometime I'll take photos of the dream castle too!
Year 3 (1984)
Earth Ponies



Rainbow Ponies

Starflower - Something about her is just so charming!
Baby Ponies

Baby Cuddles

Baby Firefly
Play and Care Sets

Baby Cotton Candy - she was SO dirty inside!Her hair is stained from the rust, and I haven'tfigured out the best way to fix it yet.

Heart Throb - another huge favorite I'm so glad to finally have!
Year 4 (1985)
So-Soft Ponies

So-Soft Lickety - holy moly this photo quality is ass. Definitely looking forward to redoing it!

Lofty - he is a boy to me and I love him!

Twinkle-eye Ponies

Fizzy - one of my very favorites :) so happy to have her in such good condition!



Sweet Pop
Beddy Bye Eye Ponies

Baby Lofty - so happy to have her in my collection! I love her colors.
Flutter Ponies


Morning Glory

Party Gift Pack Ponies

Party Time

Best Wishes

Yum Yum


Baby Frosting - where-ever Baby Frosting found themself before me, someone painted glitter eyeshadow on them. It's kinda cute!
Playset Ponies

Baby Half-Note
Year 5 (1986)
Princess Ponies

Princess Sparkle

Princess Tiffany

Princess Serena

Princess Primrose
Twice-As-Fancy Ponies

Dancing Butterflies

Up, Up, and Away

Milky Way
First Tooth Baby Ponies

Baby Fifi
Seasparkle Baby Sea Ponies

Sea Breeze
Newborn Twin Baby Ponies

Baby Tattles

Baby Noodles

Baby Rattles

Baby Doodles - I went to the Maryland Pony Meetup for the first time in 2024 and got Tattles and Doodles to complete my poor twin-less sets. You can tell by the camera quality change that a fair amount of time passed before I pulled this off, haha.
Slumber Party Gift Pack

Pillow Talk - I adore this pony!! In this picture he is quite yellowed, but later on I used a homemade UV chamber to restore his color a bit. Please visit RetroGeekCrafts on YouTube for a great UV chamber tutorial!

Sleepy Head

Playset Ponies

Twinkle-Eye Ponies

Locket - my childhood favorite G1 pony! I didn't grow up with the toys but I had Flight to Cloud Castle on VHS.
So-Soft Ponies

Twilight - This girl went through a lot! I resculpted a chewed-off ear, deflocked her spotty flocking, repinked her hair, and painted over some scratches. Her restoration wasn't perfect but she is a very important part of my personal collection ♡ She is wearing a little necklace I made that says "repink" to mark her as repinked.
Year 6 (1987)
Twice-as-Fancy Ponies

Merriweather - she is so pretty!
Princess Ponies

Princess Misty
Magic Message Ponies

Cuddles - an example of perhaps my favorite curls I've done in a long while!
Sundae Best Ponies

Peppermint Crunch
Sweetberry Ponies

Raspberry Jam - she is quite discolored, but I might try to fix her with my UV chamber. I love her unusual colors!

Boysenberry Pie
Year 7 (1988)
Sunshine Ponies

Beach Ball
Newborn Baby Ponies

Baby Tappy
Sparkle Ponies


Fancy Pants Baby Ponies

Baby Dots n' Hearts - Possibly my favorite baby pony ever. I love her colors and symbol so much!

Baby Starburst

Baby Bows

Baby Splasher
Candy Cane Ponies

Caramel Crunch

Molasses - she was never on my radar, but she came in a lot I bought and she is more adorable than I thought!
Year 8 (1989)
Rainbow Curl Ponies

Ringlet - my favorite G1 overall. I love the entire line she's from!

Stripes - would you believe I found her at a thrift store in 2023 for a DOLLAR? I think I used up all my pony luck in that trip!
Ponytail Petite Ponies




Pizza - my favorite petite!
Glittery Sweetheart Sister Ponies

Twinkler - I am so happy to have her! I have a soft spot for space-themed ponies :)
Baby Sparkle Ponies

Baby Starflower
Year 9 (1990)
Teeny Tiny Ponies

Little Giggles - she was a gift and my first ever G1!
Secret Surprise Ponies

Stardazzle - I am so lucky to have found a listing with her key! What a grail! Her hair was white and her saddle yellowed/stained - I restored her saddle color somewhat and repinked her hair, although I've been meaning to deepen the pink soon to match her original shade more.

Turning the key in the mechanism on her chest opens her saddle. It used to hold a bracelet.

Stardazzle compared to the average pony - she is BIG!
Special Offer Ponies
Ember the Baby Pony

Baby Ember (pink version)
Sparkle Ponies

Stardancer - the difference between this mail-order Stardancer and the store-bought Stardancer is that this one has a little star symbol on her cheek (not pictured here).
Non-U.S. Exclusives

Macau "Jenny" (Snuzzle/Peachy) - Her unusual coloring is great! She is a very appreciated addition to my attempt at a Snuzzle army.

Jenny and U.S. Snuzzle!

Macau "Blosscotch" - a variant combining Butterscotch with Blossom's colors.

Collector's Pose Bowtie - I am so glad to have this grail! US Bowtie was only sold in the Shy Pose, while parts of Europe also sold this alternate pose of her.

Bowtie and U.S. Bowtie!

Italian Cotton Candy - this is the variant most closely resembling U.S. Cotton Candy.

Purple hearts variant Italian Snuzzle - an interesting variant in that the only major change is her symbol color!

Snuzzle and U.S. Snuzzle!

"World's Smallest" Snuzzle and Butterscotch

"World's Smallest" Snuzzle next to her namesake :-)

Loyal Subjects Glitter Snuzzle

Celestial Pony Polaris - I was so so excited when these ponies were announced!!! I've always loved the concept art for the original proposed set. Basic Fun's renditions are so cute!

Celestial Pony Nova

Celestial Pony Milky Way

Retro Firefly

Loyal Subjects Sundance - I was so disappointed when I bought two of these blind bags and got the same pony twice. But don't they look cute together?

Posty, MLPTP's very own mascot, now in the flesh! (Plastic?) She is stunning, I'm so happy I was able to get one and have a piece of my favorite pony forum in my home :')

More Posty :]