Year 1 (2003)
Glitter Celebration Ponies
Sparkleworks - I'm very pleased to have my favorite childhood pony again. ❤
Rainbow Ponies
Rainbow Dash
Playset Ponies
Cotton Candy
Seasonal Celebration/Promo Packs?
Butterscotch - I cannot for the life of me place this girl. Multiple Butterscotch releases can have a misplaced hoof heart, but this one also has a magnet so all I know is that she's an earlier release. For now, she lives here :)
Year 2 (2004)
Pony Packs
Lickity Split
Tink-a-tink-a-too - I'm actually not sure if this is a Year 1 or Year 2 version, so I just put her here for now :)
Wing Song
Perfectly Ponies
Pretty Pony Fashions
Star Swirl - I think this is the 2004 one, based on her eyes? Kind of hard to tell the difference for me in online pics.
Sparkle Ponies
Forsythia - I got Forsythia and Desert Blossom at the 2024 Maryland Pony Meet, finally crossing these gorgeous ponies off my list! Awesome designs.
Desert Blossom
Year 3 (2005)
McDonald's Toys
Pinkie Pie
Jewel Birthday Ponies
January Joy
Shimmer Ponies
Strawberry Reef
Waterfire - what a unique pony :D
Wing Wishes
Toola Roola
Year 4 (2006)
Pegasus Ponies
Morning Monarch
Cutie Cascade Ponies
Comet Tail
Unicorn Ponies
Lily Lightly - I so wish her dress could be easily temporarily removed. I really like her cutie mark and her whole design.
Balloon Flying Ponies
Merriweather - I think this pose suits her more than her first release in the Diva pose, tbh!
Birthday Ponies
March Daffodil - she looks like such a sweetheart!
Year 5 (2007)
Best Friends Ponies
Butter Pop
Pretty Pop
Paradise Island
Unicorn Ponies
Gardenia Glow
Halloween Ponies
Fun Fairy
Favorite Friends Ponies
Sunny Daze
Easter Ponies
Bashful Bonnet
Year 6 (2008)
Favorite Friends
Toola Roola
McDonald's Toys
Pinkie Pie
Sweetie Belle
Rainbow Dash